Settlement:Gyomaendrőd Tour description: The tasks are exciting and challenging, besides, they offer great fun. During these tasks the staff gets to know each other, and benefit at work from the relations evolved. Some suggestions: outdoor team games, orienteering competitions including canoeing tasks, alpine technique tasks, paintball, archery, horse riding, sightseeing flights
Settlement: Gyomaendrőd The advantage of these tours is that the daily programs can be varied in a flexible way. Duration: 7 days - 6 nights (duration according to agreement) Programs: Water tours on the Hármas-, the Kettős- and the Sebes Körös, archery, horse riding, competitions on the ground, on the water and in the air, walking tours, bathing, visiting cultural memories of Gyomaendrőd.
Settlement:Gyomaendrőd Duration: 7 days - 6 nights Distance: 168 km Route: Gyomaendrőd - Szarvas (33 km) - Békésszentandrás (20 km) - Kunszentmárton (27 km) - Csongrád (20 km) - Mindszent (28 km) - Szeged (40 km) Information: Irimiás Róbert 20/8231-995, 30/5416-656 Website: E-mail:
Tour in the Körös-confluence (Gyomaendrőd-Csongrád)
Settlement: Gyomaendrőd Duration: 4 days - 3 nights Distance: 83 km Route: Gyomaendrőd - Szarvas (33 km) - Kunszentmárton (30 km) - Csongrád (20 km) Information: Irimiás Róbert 20/823-19-95, 30/541-66-56 E-mail: ;
River trip at Szarvas
Settlement: Szarvas, Békésszentandrás During the one or a half hour river trip the captain entertains the guests with nice stories as well as with introducing sights of the city.